We have both fall born and spring born bulls for sale
Calves sired by Fleckvieh bulls reach market weight faster than their Angus sired counterparts on the same diet.
They convert their feed more efficiently and yield better.
Which means more dollars made per calf with the same resources!
We began using Fleckvieh in our commercial operation 5 years ago, and we became believers! We were looking to increase our weaning weights and build more efficient females. That is why we believe in the Fleckvieh breed they are a dual purpose breed that will put quality meat on the bone while still having the milk and maternal characteristics that cattlemen strive for.
Why Fleckvieh?
Fleckvieh Advantages
Feed efficiency
Maternal Calving Ease
Moderate Frame with high growth
High Fertility
Excellent milk with good udders
Deep Bodied, easy-keeping cattle