Triplets to start fall calving!
We had an exciting start to our fall calving herd with one of our cows delivering live triplets. I was sure suprised to find them about dusk with two of them already up trying to nurse. That cow has given us two sets of twins in her life and now triplets. Two of her sons are working up in Eagle Butte, SD and one more is staying in Iowa next spring. I really enjoy the fall calving herd, we are actually going to go to mostly fall calving in the next three years for our cowherd. We really like to offer our 18 month old bulls in the spring

and seem to have more feed on hand for our fall calving herds at peak lactation than our spring calving cows.
We just got done ultrasounding our bred sale heifers and ended up with 100 percent conception rate and 80 percent confirmed to AI. We used Anchor D Imax and CFFS Balboa 409D as our AI sires and Golden Dawn Sarg to cover all the heifers. These heifers and some open fall heifers will be offered on our Red, White and Beautiful Fleckvieh Female sale the first week of November. The sale will be online with an online catalog being sent out a few weeks earlier. Im thinking we are going to do an open house week for people to come look at the heifers if they choose to do so. These heifers are right out of the heart of our program and its been a goal of mine to hold a sale like this for a few years now.
We have been terribly dry here this year. Our pastures went dormant for most of July with the high temperatures and no rain. We are fortunate to have enought hay to get us to fall silage crops and crop residue. We will have to purchase some extra hay for winter but we will get through it. We recently picked up about 6 tenths of rain so that perked up the grass a little bit. I hope we continue to get a few rains to help finish our forage sorghum.
As always thanks for reading and pray for rain.
