Bull and Heifer Prospects Developing Great
With the new decade starting we are really excited with whats going on around here at Boyle Ranch. We have a great selection of bulls developing really nice, we have polled and horned bulls available with half a dozen of the 18 offered being black hided. Demand has been good for our Fleckvieh cattle with some bulls being spoken for already before we have done much advertisement. We have a nice set of Full Fleckvieh and percentage Fleckvieh open heifers for sale. We are also offering 3 bred heifers this spring as well. They are bred to our heifer bull CFFS Balboa 409D, he has done such an amazing job for us we can't wait to see what the future holds for Balboa. We recently picked up a Sunny Valley Seargant son from Stanley Martins that we are really excited to use on cows and possibly be our next heifer bull. I hope everyone made it through this cold snap ok. Calving is right around the corner for us and I know some of you guys are calving, so lets hope this was the coldest weather we see this year. As always if you would like to call and talk cattle that is my favorite thing to do, 712-870-8666. Stay tuned to the website and Facebook page for "pretty" pictures of the bulls coming in the next two weeks. Ill be taking group pictures and videos of the heifers available as well. Keep Smiling everyone Spring is on the way.